[neã], ne gentem


Lionel Dury (°1997) is a Brussel-born and based artist, graduated from La Cambre. Despite his young age, Dury exposed his work in 2021 next to icons such as Louise Bourgeois, Anselm Kieffer, Soll LeWitt, and the list goes on.

The artwork exhibited was a 3D printed micro-sculpture exposed under a microscope, impossible to see with the naked eye. Dury applies his skill as an artist to make aesthetical renditions of data. This work is an impression of string theory. It serves as a metaphor for the ‘Planck scale’, a scale so tiny tha

Lionel Dury (°1997) is a Brussel-born and based artist, graduated from La Cambre. Despite his young age, Dury exposed his work in 2021 next to icons such as Louise Bourgeois, Anselm Kieffer, Soll LeWitt, and the list goes on.

The artwork exhibited was a 3D printed micro-sculpture exposed under a microscope, impossible to see with the naked eye. Dury applies his skill as an artist to make aesthetical renditions of data. This work is an impression of string theory. It serves as a metaphor for the ‘Planck scale’, a scale so tiny that it is impossible to capture with light. Trying to understand the world around us, Dury uses the fundaments of nature to try and describe a universal approach.

There is no critique or statement on society, as he sees it as inevitable that humanity will come to an end one day.

In his work, he explains that the laws of physics remain constant past this point of apocalypse. Dury sees the laws of physics as a godlike entity, a wholeness.

Next to the laws of physics, his research roots in the spirituality of the mind and the cognitive representation of physical stimuli.

Physics, body, and mind as a corporal representation of humanity.

While his religious beliefs are in chaos theory and entropy increasing with the arrow of time, a future shapes where everything is possible and impossible at the same time. Humanity for him is the result of an entropic mess—a lucky accident.

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